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JAGUAR Cars Ltd.

JAGUAR是深具历史荣耀的英国汽车公司,1922年成立JAGUAR前身 -Swallow Sidecar Company,於1945年易名为JAGUAR Cars Ltd.

JAGUAR汽车公司於英国拥有3座装配厂及研发中心,提供全球销售服务需求,八十年来在欧洲汽车史上创造出许多赛车荣耀及经典车款,1990年起,JAGUAR积极开发新型车种,如X-TYPE、S-TYPE、XJ、XK、"R"-Derivate等。并投资大笔资金於厂房改建、设备更新、引进先进技术全力提升产品品质,藉此频频获得J. D. Power评选品质大奖。

Jaguar History

1922 - Company founded in Blackpool, England as the "Swallow Sidecar Company" by William Lyons and William Walmsley to build motorcycle sidecars.
(1992-公司始建于英格兰的Blackpool,公司名为 "Swallow Sidecar Company"创始人William Lyons and William Walmsley 最初是制造3轮摩托。)

1927 - Lyons decided to build a more stylish body for the Austin chassis and the was introduced.
1927- Lyons 决定为奥斯汀地盘制造更时髦的车身,于是Austin-7 问世了。

1931 - As sales increased the company moved to Coventry. At the London Motor Show of 1931, the SS class was launched, costing less than £350.
1931 -由于销售增加公司迁移至考文垂。在1931年伦敦汽车展上ss以低于350镑的价钱投放市场。

1935 - Lyons changes the company name to "Jaguar" and the “SS” became the “SS Jaguar”.
1935 -Lyons 将公司改名为"Jaguar", 从此“SS Jaguar”诞生

1937 -Jaguar和其他两个制造厂一起组成了一个新的队伍,SS Jaguar在1937年加入富有盛誉的英国皇家飞行俱乐部,不幸的是有人驾驶SS100应了这场比赛。

1948 - Jaguar introduced the XK 120 Roadster at the 1948 Earls Court Motor Show. The car had a top speed of 120 mph and became renown for its superb road holding and styling plus a smooth ride.
1948 -Jaguar在1948年的"伯爵庭院"车展出品了XK 120跑车.该车时速120英里,并且以其极好的陆控,车型以及平稳性著称。

1950's - Jaguar had reached a point in its history of selling only luxury and sports cars. The company also sold a great deal of its cars abroad.
1950's - Jaguar 销售豪华车型及跑车的数量达到历史新高。并且公司的海外销售量也相当可观

1955 - Jaguar introduced the Jaguar MK I to broaden its market at home.
1955 -Jaguar 出品 Jaguar MK I 来扩大国内市场的占有量

1959 - The MK I was redesigned as the MK II with a larger glass area and new dash. It was an instant success.
1959 -在MK I基础上改进的 MK II 加大了玻璃的面积,以及新的(请问在汽车方面dash是什么意思?)。并且即刻获的成功

1961 - The Jaguar E-Type was launched and became an instant classic. The car was in huge demand from 1961-75, to begin with the company struggled to meet orders. In all, 74000 cars were sold. Some say the best Jag ever made, and the old XK engine now 13 years old, was still used in the early E-Types. The 4.2 Series 1 are generally considered the best.
1961 -Jaguar E-Type 投放市场并且立刻成为主流。1961-75年市场需求量巨大,最初供不应求,其间销售74000辆汽车。可以说E-Type 是Jag至今最好的制造,并且xk发动机现在已有13年了仍在应用在早期的e系列。

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